The Home Front


A poster used in order to promote production at home during World War II.

From the start of the war, American production at home played a vital role in providing anything from tanks to airplanes to ammunition for the war effort. Much of this production was done by the women at home as much of the male population was sent overseas to fight. Posters, as well as other media, was created in order to promote patriotism, boost morale, and provide the manpower, or womanpower, to keep us a contender in this war. 


We're All in the Army now, lets all work to win! World War II propaganda poster used by the United States to inspire Americans to play their part.

As far as hope goes, they waged a war for the hearts and empathy of the masses by using posters such as an image depicting various American citizens saluting Uncle Sam with the phrase “We’re all in the Army now, Let’s all work to win!” that spoke to everyone in order to get them into the war effort whether that is by joining the armed forces or working in a production factory somewhere. These posters showed that there was plenty that we could do to help the war effort such as victory gardens, preserving rations, and buying war bonds.


United We Win poster used in World War II motivating Americans to keep working together to win the war.

The OWI would create slogans such as “United We Win” to keep the faith throughout the country and depicted everyone, including children, in these images to show that everyone had a role to play in the war.